Welcome to G20! --- From Vice Chair Claire Black

Hello delegates!

My name is Claire Black and I am super excited to be your vice chair for BMUN's upcoming G20 committee. I am a sophomore at UC Berkeley and have previously served as the vice chair of BMUN 66's bilingual OAS committee and as the head chair for Berkeley Model Arab League's Council of Economic Affairs. 

I am majoring in Political Science with minors in Public Policy and Conservation and Resource Studies, so I am very passionate about international environmental policy and management. I see the United Nations, as well as Model UN, as an amazing exercise in international cooperation to create a more sustainable future. 

Outside of BMUN, I do research with a Berkeley political science professor, edit for the International Relations Review of Berkeley, and work for the non-profit  Matriculate which helps high achieving, low income high school students access free college advising. So, feel free to vent to me about any frustrations with the college admissions process. I'll be happy to help.

I love spending time outdoors (especially in the ocean!) and have a soft spot for live music, indie rock, the writings of Kurt Vonnegut, and most importantly, my beagle-husky Sasha (picture included).

I am excited to meet you all soon! Reach out to cblack@bmun.org with any questions.


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